Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Karate: Kicks from the Position on the Ground

Ne Vasa

Ne Vasa stands for the techniques in the low position. Often, you will find yourself on the ground, either as a result of a mistake you made or by intent (imagine fighter a boxer). The following group of kicks is often used in this case.

Ne Vasa: Mae Geri

Your initial position is on your back, while an opponent is approaching you from the direction of your head. Bring your knee to your chest and perform the mae geri kick over your head.

Ne Vasa: Joko Geri

Your initial position is on the ground and lying on your side. Bring the knee of your upper leg to your chest and perform the joko geri kick. The hips are used in ne vasa as much as in other situations. There are some similarities between this kick and the joko tobi geri. Because the other leg is free ( it does not have to support your body), its foot is covering your groins area.

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